Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    Never to be overlooked is the importance of monitoring connected Internet of Things devices, at both a personal and global scale. One way to do that is through a realtime customizable realtime dashboard, where you can track, monitor, and visualize your connected devices.

    Realtime Dashboard to Monitor IoT Connected Devices

    Today, were pleased to announce that PubNub is now supported by freeboard, a web-based tool that allows you to build fully customizable and interactive user-interfaces and realtime dashboards for your connected IoT devices, from dashboards, to consoles, to control panels. Apps and connected devices running on the PubNub Data Stream Network can now integrate data streams with the open source freeboard and customize how the information is displayed.

    Realtime Dashboard for IoT Monitoring

    IoT monitoring is a powerful tool. Take a craft beer distillery for example. Heising-330 from Bunker Stills is a fully connected and automated continuous still. freeboard provides realtime remote monitoring and diagnostic information to still operators and maintainers.

    Integrating PubNub and freeboard

    You’ll first need to sign up for a PubNub account. Once you sign up, you can get your unique PubNub keys in the PubNub Developer Portal.

    Both freeboard and PubNub believe in the same core design principles: ease of use, simplicity, and the idea of “it just works.” In the video below, Jim Heising, maker of freeboard, gives a brief demo of using PubNub with freeboard. Additionally, feel free to check out the freeboard GitHub repository.

    As we become an increasingly connected world, the importance of monitoring our devices will increase as well. We’re excited to see what you build with freeboard and PubNub. Tweet us @PubNub with your dashboard and we’ll feature it here!


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