CTO, PubNub


    We’ve updated our SDKs, and this code is now deprecated.

    Good news is we’ve written a comprehensive guide to building a multiplayer game. Check it out!

    Enable multiplayer networking with your mobile games with three functions:

    1. Init PubNub Multiplayer Object
    2. Call Subscribe() to begin receiving messages.
    3. Call Publish() to send messages.

    Additionally, you can take a look at the Corona SDK website here. We’ll be using the Corona SDK with the multiplayer networking API.

    multiplayer networking api

    Follow these easy steps to get starting with your Multiplayer API.

    1. Download Lua Corona Multiplayer API
    2. Get Your PubNub Keys
    3. Copy the files into your Lua Code Directory
    4. Continue Reading to add just 3 functions to Enable Multiplayer Support.

    Get Your PubNub Keys Here

    To get your PubNub keys, first sign up for a free account. All your keys are available in our Developer’s Portal after signing up.

    Learn about PubNub Cloud-Hosted Service for Realtime Messaging

    PubNub is a new kind of Cloud-Hosted Broadcasting Service for Mass Communication on Mobile Phones, Tablets, TVs, HTML5 Web Browsers and Game Consoles. Already more messages are published to PubNub each day than to Twitter. We believe in unified broadcasting and mass communication empowerment for application and game developers who build on Mobile Phones, TVs, HTML5 Web Browsers, Tablets and Game Consoles.

    Below are code snippets you’ll need to get going:

    Initiate Multiplayer PubNub Object

    You’ll first need to sign up for a PubNub account. Once you sign up, you can get your unique PubNub keys in the PubNub Developer Portal. Once you have, clone the GitHub repository, and enter your unique PubNub keys on the PubNub initialization.

    Listen for Messages from Other Players

    Send Message To Other Players

    Stop Listening for Messages

    Load Message History

    Get PubNub Server Time

    Get Started
    Sign up for free and use PubNub to power multiplayer gaming

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    Build realtime applications that perform reliably and securely, at global scale.
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