Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    The diagram, the definition, and how we organize the Internet of Things stack as of now is amorphous. We know how it’s organized, we know the pieces, but how the stack all fits together isn’t so clear. And worse, we’re reinventing the wheel every time.

    So how do we define it? It starts with collecting the best and brightest minds of the Internet of Things in one place, and together define the technology stack and continue to move IoT forward.

    And that’s why we’re sponsoring IoT StreamConf in San Francisco, April 23, 2015.

    What is the Internet of Things Technology Stack?

    Depends who you ask:

    internet of things stack

    The IoT stack…defined again and again and again…differently each time.

    We’ve realized that everyone’s defining the IoT stack differently.

    And most of the Internet of Things projects and apps today have been built on IoT platforms, custom-built top to bottom deployments. There’s no real recognition of what the best layers across the stack, from the hardware, to the chipsets, to the communication layers, to the security and endpoints.

    We all need to be apart of defining the IoT stack and what layers are important, so as IoT developers build and deploy applications, they don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time.

    Why We’re Sponsoring (and why you should attend)

    The conference has an amazing line up of thought leaders set to discuss and share the best practices, technologies, vendors and projects for:

    • Local area device communication and connectivity
    • Connected devices (hardware and chipsets)
    • Data stream network and connectivity
    • Big data, analytics, and triggers
    • Gateways, standards, and ecosystems

    Instead of just theory, we’ll hear about real IoT software that is in production today, powering multiple billions of devices. If you are responsible for bringing “Internet of Things” products to market, you need to separate the IoT hype from reality.

    If you’re interested in attending, check out the IoT StreamConf website. Early-bird ticket rates end February 27th. And if you’re interested in speaking or sponsoring, there are still spots for both available!


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