Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    If you really want to blow end users away, or give your team up to the millisecond analytics, you need to drink from the data firehose. What’s this mean?

    Drinking from a data firehose is streaming and publishing realtime streams of data, whether it be weather reports, Tweets, RSS feeds, or stock quotes, updated as they change. To do this, you need a robust and fast data stream network to transfer the data packets through, presenting it to your end users in realtime.

    Data firehose

    Luckily for you, we’re continuing to expand our demo realtime data streams that can be plugged into your PubNub applications. Most of our demos are based on real data, however a few are simulation data streams that can be used for testing purposes or simulation demos.

    Below are details into each data stream. You can also check out the full list of demo data streams, and while you’re there, feel free to check out our demo applications as well. To get an idea, check out the .gif of our state capital weather data stream below:

    state capital weather data stream

    Twitter Stream

    Our Twitter Stream is a realtime steam of actual Tweets on Twitter at a maximum rate of 50 Tweets per second. With this stream, you can build cool things like realtime tweet boards, as well as crunch data for social interactions in specific regions, or based on specific keywords.

    Hacker News Articles

    The Hacker News Stream aggregates the most recent and trending articles from Hacker News. But this isn’t just limited to Hacker News, and can be applied to any RSS feed, enabling you to build a realtime blog aggregator for any blog with an RSS feed.

    State Capital Weather

    The State Capital Weather Stream one’s pretty self explanatory, giving you realtime weather data from each U.S. capital.

    Wikipedia Changes

    Track Wikipedia trolls, or monitor page changes in realtime with the Wikipedia Changes Stream. This stream gives a realtime stream of recent edits to Wikipedia articles.

    Game State Sync

    With the Game State Sync Stream, you can view the latest state information of a multiplayer role playing game. The stream retrieves a simulated stream of data through PubNub with update state information of clients.

    Sensor Network

    The Internet of Things has exploded in the last couple years, which in turn has skyrocketed sensor networks. The Sensor Network Feed provides data from sensors, specifically for embedded devices and IoT applications.

    Market Orders and Stock Quotes

    Investors need realtime financial information as it happens. Speed is paramount. The Market Orders Stream does just that, providing the latest market orders for a fictitious marketplace that you can embed into a site or app.

    Streaming Realtime Data, In Realtime

    We need to be able to stream as much data as we can, as fast as we can. The PubNub Data Stream Network is global, giving you a backend infrastructure that can handle any amount of data anywhere on Earth. Stock quotes are streamed in New York at the same speed as they are in Hong Kong. And that data firehose, and the apps you can build with it, is powerful.

    We’ll continue to grow our list of demo data streams, so keep an eye out for additional streams!


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