Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    Here’s your chance to meet the people behind The PubNub Data Stream Network. We talk with Dan Ristic, our Senior Front End Engineer (and newest addition to the team).

    1. What are you going to be doing for PubNub over the next couple months?

    I am going to be developing and showing off some really cool demos built on top of the PubNub Data Stream Network! I want to really show off what our API is capable of. Overall, I also will be working on the front end presence of PubNub to make our website and dashboard sleek, shiny, and extremely usable for our customers.

    2. So you make things pretty. What’s your favorite part of that?

    My favorite thing about making things pretty is seeing a great user experience come together. I love creating experiences that don’t just ‘wow’ people visually, but make their day-to day easier in some way as well. Elegant but usable is my motto when it comes to my work.

    3. Why’d you pick PubNub?

    I picked PubNub because we are making huge strides on what you can build in a web page. I am passionate about pushing the web forward and I feel like I can accomplish that with the PubNub team. There are also free frisbees.

    4. When you’re not at work, what are you doing?

    When I am not work I am usually playing video games or hiking. The Bay Area has some amazing sights to see. I also grew up on video games and love to play all types. I play everything from the most complicated games on Steam to the most simple games on the phone and love them all.

    5. What is the musical soundtrack to your life?

    I would have to say anything by Radiohead. It definitely fits my outlook on life. It is also a great coding soundtrack.


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