Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    financial trading infrastructureWhen it comes to any type of financial trading, having reliable, accurate realtime data streaming is essential. You need the information at your fingertips, as it happens. Building out a realtime financial data streaming application isn’t easy though. Mass volumes of financial data need to be broadcast in realtime across thousands of devices simultaneously – which makes development challenging and scaling even harder. The PubNub Data Stream Network makes the streaming of realtime financial data across the globe easy.

    Take one of the world’s largest Bitcoin Exchanges for example. As a marketplace for the world’s most popular digital currency, it broadcasts massive volumes of realtime financial data. The exchange had difficulty to coping with the volume of data while keeping a reliable service, so it turned to PubNub to stream its realtime data.

    The exchange uses PubNub to allow users to subscribe to both public data streams and private trade info. On private data channels, messages are encrypted using PubNub’s standard encryption method (AES128 CBC). This protects the security and integrity of the message, even as it traverses the PubNub Data Stream Network.

    With the PubNub Data Stream Network, these kinds of realtime financial streaming apps are easy to build and scale. To illustrate this, PubNub has build a realtime financial dashboard at where all source code is free and downloadable as a template for developers to build their own financial apps. Stock quotes are broadcast from the PHP server into the PubNub Data Stream Network where the HTML5 JavaScript app receives the WebSockets-style data and displays it in realtime.

    Want to build one yourself? We have a live working financial trading demo that can be seen here, or you can go straight to the GitHub repository for a full walkthrough. PubNub makes streaming realtime financial data to millions of users easy.

    financial trading infrastructure

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