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    The world’s first IM Chat client with voice recognition in the browser. This chat requires Facebook for user verification and for your photo. Turn on your speakers, the text transmitted will be re-spoken by your computer’s voice.

    You must have
    Google Chrome 11+
    to speak.
    However you may watch people who are speaking.


    Press Microphone and Speak
    hey does this work

    The First Browser Based Voice IM provided by PubNub

    First, you need Google Chrome version 11 or greater to participate and transmit your voice via a web browser. Now click the microphone icon and speak into your computers mic. The voice processor will convert your speech into text sending Next your computer will send this meta speech to everyone who is on this website. Upon receiving this broadcast, each person’s computer will prepare the message and re-speak it in both text and in a simulated voice. This technology has been around and is still pretty new. Today you are able to test this technology yourself in your web browser. This Chat IM App is written in JavaScript and HTML5. The source code is listed lower in this page. Continue reading to learn more about TTS Text To Speech and STT Speech To Text.

    Text to Speech on CNET TV

    CNET’s Seth Rosenblatt is testing Google Chrome’s Speech To Text using the Google Translate interface provided by Google.

    iPhone Voice Control

    Donald Bell talks about the voice control feature of the iPhone. This Speech To Text feature is old tech these days on mobile. However it is recent news for a web browser to support such technology.

    Text-To-Speech and Speech-To-Text

    There are several APIs available for TTS Text To Speech. These TTS APIs provide a way for your computer and GPS Navigator to speak aloud to you driving directions and word translations. Google’s REST API is the most simple to use:


    A commercially available TTS API called iSpeech gives access to a rather complex yet powerful API providing flexible voice control including gender and accents. iSpeech has many SDKs and cover nearly every mobile device. TTS may be used to read a book allowed while driving or help children to read at an early age.

    STT Speech To Text is the opposite. Record your voice and your computer will interpret the words you have spoken and translate them onto your computer screen as plain text. Voice Controlled Systems use this kind of tech. Both STT and TTS are demonstrated on this page, in a web browser.

    Source Code

    Here is the source code for this app. Note that a direct Copy and Paste will result in Facebook Errors. However it is a good start if you wish to peek under the hood.

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