Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

    This is an overview of our two part series on setting up APNS with PubNub from start to finish. In future posts, we’ll get more in-depth and cover how to:

    1. Part One: Setting up APNS with Apple
    2. Part Two: PubNub APNS Walkthrough

    Turn Passive Installs into Active Users

    It’s estimated 218 million iPhones and 68 million iPads are spread across the globe. And with the average smartphone having 41 apps, how will developers ensure that their app gets noticed? You need more than just installs, you need active users.

    It’s been found that user engagement tends to drop off rapidly after install. Traditionally, the solution has been to use push notifications to keep users engaged with updates and new content for your app and also remind inactive users to come back. However, with users on many different operating systems and devices, you’ll need a more powerful way to utilize notification services.

    Enter: PubNub Mobile Push Notifications

    APNSPubNub Mobile Push Notifications allow you to drop notifications about content and other updates to users when they are offline. However, PubNub goes a step further by using the same simple API to deliver a realtime message when the user is in the app.  Send a message in realtime or push, online or offline with one simple to use API.

    PubNub now makes it easy to set up iPhone notifications using APNS and PubNub. You can use native PubNub publish operations to send messages to iPhones and iPads via iOS push notifications.

    In addition to ease-of-use, the PubNub Data Stream Network can deliver to individual user segments by slicing and dicing any number of topics into PubNub “Channels,” letting you target who you want, when you want.

    If you’re anxious to get started now check out ourAPNS Development Guide and our Knowledge Base

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