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    Just for you, PubNub has created an HTML5 Song Lyrics Animator using CSS3. To get you more excited, we had a song created featuring your favorite programmer heroes of the internet. Press the Space Bar on your Keyboard to progress the Lyrics one word at a time. We realized the importance of announcing the world’s internet heroes. If you didn’t know them before, now you will. This Game was created to educate you about the great Internet Heroes; the one’s who shaped today’s internet. Use Chrome, Firefox 4, Safari, IE9 or Opera10.

    WARNING: Autoplay disables your ability to progress the lyrics manually. It wont be as fun if you click “Autoplay” button. Instead, click the “Start Song” button. Then use the Lyrics Progression Key (Space bar). If you clicked Autoplay and want to try manual game mode, then Click “Reload” Button to try animating the lyrics yourself.

      Don’t click this until you have finished sync’ing your lyrics to the song. After you are done syncing the lyrics to the song with the “Next Word” button (or Space bar), click “Play Your Recording” to play back your lyric tracking. See how accurate you can get! This song is really hard to synchronize with lyrics unless you are a genius.

    Click here to start the music. This is the starting point. Once the music starts, press your Space Bar to synchronize the music with the lyrics. Click the “Stop Song” button to reset your progress and start over.Your timing must be perfectly sync’ed to the Internet Heroes Song in order to be considered an awesome programmer. You may be pressing this Start/Stop button frequently.

    Progress the lyrics by one word. Use this button to synchronize the lyrics to the song! After the song is over, click the “Play Your Recording” Button to see your accuracy.

    Score: 5000 (5000 = perfect timing)

    This one goes out to all our internet heroes people who deserve some recognition the people who made the net what it is today douglas crockford does nothing very well at yahoo in sunnyvale he’s one of two people writing good JavaScript books the king of JavaScript is here all hail! you use node we all use node so big up to ryan dahl for his code and listen when our favorite autodidact audrey tang says “hug and embrace your internet trolls” ingy dot net so amazingly sweet man naked on stage he’s the master of CPAN jonathan swartz what did he really do anyway? i don’t really know but still I’m gonna say hey you’re my internet hero oh oh you’re my internet hero oh oh you’re my internet hero oh oh you’re my internet hero oh oh larry wall is the person who made all the versions of perl we’ve loved them since the very first but can we ask why is perl an onion? and by the way larry nice hawaiian shirt john resig is a programmer ninja he can’t be beat he knows secret techniques and steve souders gave the web some speed so obviously we think that he’s pretty neat jeremy zawodny he’s got so many cats in so many places we don’t know if he loves or hates sphinx and mysql but you’ll see them pop up on craigslist james gosling you made the java HELL!you’re my internet hero oh oh you’re my internet hero oh oh you’re my internet hero oh oh you’re my internet hero oh oh
    igor sysoev give him respect
    ’cause PubNub uses nginx
    without you ruby on rails
    would be a wreck
    your free proxy software load
    balancer is the best
    rasmus lerdorf
    hmm let’s see
    took a while to add
    closures to PHP and why
    no lexical scoping?
    we kids wanna here
    you say that it’s
    not scope leakage
    and linus torvalds hey!
    he’s the builder of
    the right way
    a force who’s deserving of
    a cosmic bonus
    he created linux in case
    you didn’t notice
    bjarne stroustrup i’m not impressed
    you created c++
    out of bs
    guido van rossum
    thanks for the python
    more like van awesome
    maybe van right on
    who made ruby sexy?
    david hannson made ruby sexy
    who else made ruby sexy?
    yukihiro matsumoto made ruby sexy
    first it was called mocha
    livescript after
    brendan eich is the
    JavaScript origin master
    the apache group
    deserves a shootout:
    brian behlendorf
    roy t. fielding
    rob hartill
    david robinson
    cliff skolnick
    randy terbush
    robert s. thau and
    andrew wilson
    why are there
    so many of you?
    my apache group is just
    me and my mom
    jarrko hietaniemi is
    the master librarian
    though the cpan disclaimer
    no longer computes
    but those ruby gems outshine
    that and last
    but not least:
    joe armstrong, erlang woot!
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    you’re my internet hero
    oh oh
    internet heroes
    we at  PubNub want to thank you for making
    such a great internet


    This one goes out to all our internet heroes. People who deserve some recognition. The people who made the net what it is today.

    Douglas Crockford – JavaScript Godfather

    Douglas Crockford does nothing very well at Yahoo! in sunnyvale. He’s one of two people writing good JavaScript books. The king of JavaScript is here – all hail!

    Ryan Dahl – NodeJS Creator

    You use node, we all use node so big up to Ryan Dahl for his code.

    Audrey Tang – Haskell Perl6 Pugs

    Listen when our favorite autodidact Audrey Tang says “Hug and Embrace your Internet Trolls”.

    Ingy dot Net – Perl CPAN Master

    Ingy dot Net, so amazingly sweet man naked on stage he’s the master of CPAN.

    Jonathan Swartz – Perl Mason

    Jonathan Swartz, what did he really do, anyway? I don’t really know but still I’m gonna say.

    Larry Wall – Perl Godfather

    Larry Wall is the person who made all the versions of Perl, we’ve loved them since the very first but can we ask, why is Perl an Onion? and by the way, larry, nice Hawaiian Shirt.

    John Resig – JavaScript Ninja

    John Resig is a programmer ninja he can’t be beat, he knows secret techniques.

    Steve Souders – Speed Master

    Steve Souders gave the web some speed so obviously we think that he’s pretty neat.

    Jeremy Zawodny – CraigsList – MySQL

    Jeremy Zawodny, he’s got so many cats in so many places we don’t know if he loves or hates Sphinx and MySQL but you’ll see them pop up on CraigsList.

    James Gosling – Java Responsible

    James Gosling, you made the Java HELL!

    Igor Sysoev – NginX

    Igor Sysoev, give him respect ’causePubNubuses NginX. Without you Ruby on Rails would be a wreck. Your free proxy software load balancer is the best.

    Rasmus Lerdorf – PHP

    Rasmus Lerdorf, hmm let’s see. Took a while to add closures to PHP. And why no lexical scoping? We kids wanna here you say that it’s not scope leakage.

    Linus Torvalds – Linux Kernel

    Linus Torvalds, hey! He’s the builder of the right way. A force who’s deserving of a cosmic bonus. He created linux, in case you didn’t notice.

    Bjarne Stroustrup – C++ Responsible

    Bjarne Stroustrup – I’m not impressed you created C++ out of BS.

    Guido Van Rossum – Python Creator

    Guido Van Rossum, thanks for the Python. More like Van Awesome, maybe Van Right On.

    David Hannson – Ruby On Rails

    Who made ruby sexy? David Hannson made ruby sexy.

    Yukihiro Matsumoto

    Who else made ruby sexy? Yukihiro Matsumoto made ruby sexy.

    Brendan Eich

    First it was called Mocha, LiveScript after. Brendan Eich is the JavaScript Origin Master.

    The Apache Group

    The Apache Group deserves a shootout: Brian Behlendorf, Roy T. Fielding, Rob Hartill, David Robinson, Cliff Skolnick, Randy Terbush, Robert S. Thau, and Andrew Wilson. Why are there so many of you? My Apache Group is just me and my mom.

    Jarrko Hietaniemi

    Jarrko Hietaniemi is the master librarian. Though the CPAN disclaimer no longer computes. But those Ruby gems outshine that.

    Joe Armstrong

    And last but not least: Joe Armstrong, Erlang woot! You’re my Internet hero oh oh.

    Internet Heroes

    Internet Heroes, we atPubNubwant to thank you for making such a great internet.


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