Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

    Data Storage and PlaybackPubNub Data Storage and Playback (sometimes called ‘history’) allows you to store realtime message streams for future retrieval and playback. Data Storage and Playback populates chat, collaboration, and machine configuration on app load, stores message streams with realtime data management, retrieves historical data streams, then replays live events during rebroadcasting.

    Storage and Playback is made up of three features:

    1. Storage: stores realtime data for any length of time
    2. History: retrieves messages across a specified time period
    3. Replay: publishes all messages in the order and time originally sent

    Getting Started with Data Storage and Playback

    Want to get started right away?

    We have a Getting Started with Data Storage and Playback Guide with our JavaScript SDK in our recently revamped documentation. From channels to API keys to API functions, you can find everything you need to know about Storage and Playback and JavaScript there!

    Additionally, check out our full Storage & Playback tutorial.

    Also, in the video below, our Founder and CTO Stephen Blum gives you a live demonstration of Storage & Playback functionality in the video below:

    Use Cases for Data Storage and Playback

    • PubNub Messenger: Learn to build a chat application that includes the Storage & Playback feature

    Get Started
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