CTO, PubNub

    node js

    node js is an exciting and promising new server-side application platform for building apps using JavaScript. However, not everyone knows that node js can be supercharged using PubNub to connect a human audience.

    PubNub believes in node js as a powerful app server and that’s why we have created an easy way for you to get started with pub/sub for realtime communication using PubNub with node js. PubNub provides automatic scalability for your node js application. Build your bare-bones publish subscribe connectivity with the PubNub NPM Module Tutorials. Make your Socket.IO scale instantly with Socket.IO Tutorials on PubNub.

    Get Started Right Away:

    NPM Module

    Node NPM Module Install:

    It is easy to get started quickly with node js and PubNub using the PubNub NPM Module or Socket.IO API. However if you need more details on getting started, we have provided a series of videos which show you ways to use PubNub with node js including our Socket.IO API and NPM node js Module.

    Check out our resources on node js and PubNub. We make it easy for you to get started by providing video tutorials and sample code. Use PubNub + Socket.IO to seemlessly provide scalability in your web and mobile apps. Or start fresh at the bare metal with PubNub NPM Module. Continue reading to learn more about using node js and PubNub.

    Node JS Resources

    NPM PubNub GitHub

    NPM Tutorial Videos

    Socket.IO GitHub

    Socket.IO Videos

    Get Started
    Sign up for free and use PubNub to power your node js app

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