CTO, PubNub


    PubNub is free for you as a NodeKO App Developer. Following this Simple Start Web Guide, connect mobile phones, tablets, web browsers and more with a 2 Function Publish/Subscribe API (send/receive). To learn more about PubNub and how PubNub works, read How It Works.

    NodeKO WIN: iPad 2s.

    NodeKO Node.js PubNub Step 1

    If you are building HTML5 Web Apps, start by copying and pasting the code snippet below. If not, skip to Step 2.

    <div pub-key="PUBLISH KEY HERE" sub-key="SUBSCRIBE KEY HERE" id="pubnub"></div>
    <script src="https://cdn.pubnub.com/pubnub-3.1.min.js"></script>
        // Listen For Events
            channel  : "hello_world",      // Channel
            error    : function() {        // Lost Connection (auto reconnects)
                alert("Connection Lost. Will auto-reconnect when Online.")
            callback : function(message) { // Received An Event.
            connect  : function() {        // Connection Established.
                // Send Message
                    channel : "hello_world",
                    message : { anything : "Hi from PubNub." }

    NodeKO PubNub Step 2

    PubNub GitHub APIs connect programming languages: NodeJS, Ruby, PHP, Python, Perl, Erlang and more programming languages on GitHub.

    Get Started
    Sign up for free and use PubNub to supercharge
    your Node.js app!

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    Build realtime applications that perform reliably and securely, at global scale.
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