Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    Get ready for some great content.

    Every year DeveloperWeek brings thousands of developers to our backyard in San Francisco, and we couldn’t be more excited for what’s in store this year. The conference only gets better each year, and this time, you’ll (hopefully) being seeing us all over the place! Here’s where we’ll be:

    Conference & Expo

    At the Conference and Expo, you can find us at Booth Level 1, #405. Stop by, get some swag, and learn more about PubNub – we’d love to meet you.

    Come meet us! We’re incredibly nice (and helpful).


    We’ve got two workshops going on, one Pro, and one open to the public, both taught by our Head of Evangelism Josh Marinacci.

    The first is called Building a Serverless Chatbot with On-Demand AI Webservices, where Josh will walk attendees step-by-step on harnessing the power of serverless to build lightweight and powerful chatbots for a wide variety of industries and verticals. (Monday, February 13, 3pm)

    The second is Serverless Chatbots with a Programmable Networkwhere Josh will introduce and walk through a number of chatbot APIs and services to build smart, interactive chatbots. (Tuesday, February 14, 4pm)


    This one we’re especially excited for, given the fact that the DeveloperWeek Hackathon gets bigger and better with each year. And this year, we’re sponsoring it big time!

    This year, our theme is Civic Hack, where teams will be tasked with building a web, mobile, or IoT app that benefits a local government or community. For example:

    • Grafitti Tracker: capture image and use AI via PubNub BLOCKS to train and recognize tags from specific offenders
    • Rideshare for Children: A child is sick and school and needs to be taken home, but the child’s single parent can’t leave work. This app helps them contact a friend in the neighborhood who is available to take the child home
    • Cat Tracker: take a photo of a stray cat, add location, address, weather info, visualize it on a realtime map
    • Democracy Now: help people organize political demonstrations across geographic and language barriers

    As for prizes, top dog gets $1500 cash. ‘Nough said.

    Contact Us!

    Hit us up anytime, and we’ll make time to meet with you or better yet, we’re happy to invite you for a visit to our office! 


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    Building a HIPAA-compliant App