AngularJsVersionsWelcome back, and thanks again for checking out our blog series about how to get started quickly with AngularJS using the PubNub AngularJS library! We’ve covered a lot, so feel free to check out the full listing of blog entries here. In this installment, we’re looking at how PubNub ensures AngularJS compatibility – including security and multiplexing – across all versions from the latest 1.3.0-beta.13 all the way back to 1.0.8.

    Don’t run off just yet though! The code for today’s examples are available here.

    We want to make sure it’s as easy as possible for developers to get started with AngularJS and PubNub, and then keep those applications humming even as AngularJS releases newer and even more awesome versions!

    You can always check out the latest AngularJS versions we’re working with here.

    Since compatibility is so important, we’ve started providing versions of our sample code that runs with the latest release of each major AngularJS version. You can see those examples here.

    For example:

    If you look at each example, you’ll notice one amazing thing – there are no differences in the app code except for the Angular version in the AngularJS SCRIPT tag include! That’s the point – we want to make sure that your application can transition to new Angular versions as seamlessly as possible.

    Behind the scenes, here’s a synopsis of what has changed in major AngularJS releases:

    • 1.0 : AngularJS makes its prime time debut! (welcome $route, $compile, $location, $http, $timeout, $injector, etc etc!);
    • 1.1 : Improved error handling, animations and transitions, focus/blur events (YES!); notes here
    • 1.2 : Security improvements, rewrite animations/transitions, better mobile support, better SVG support, promise A+ compliance; notes here
    • 1.3 : Security improvements, improved mobile support, improved SVG and MathML handling, validators pipeline, remove auto promise unwrapping, improved testability discontinue IE support (YAY! sob); notes here

    Considering that 1.0.0 was just released two years ago, it’s pretty amazing to see the progress that’s been made!

    AngularJS is an amazing framework, and it’s moving super fast! There are bound to be cases where we miss an edge case or two due to a new feature or internal implementation detail in Angular (especially as 1.3.0 moves through beta!). If you ever run into a snag, please reach out and drop us a line! We’ll check it out and get it fixed in a jiffy.

    To get started with PubNub, you’ll first need to sign up for a PubNub account. Once you sign up, you can get your unique PubNub keys in the PubNub Developer Portal and head over to our AngularJS documentation.

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