Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    When we say “build real-time apps quickly” we mean it.  So to prove that it’s not just marketing jargon, we “put our money where our mouth is” at last week’s internal PubNub Hackathon.

    The PubNub team was given 6 hours to create anything they wanted using the PubNub Data Stream Network. And when we say anything, we mean anything. Before the starter pistol went off, each team announced what they intended to build. Projects ranged from a time-saving command line tool for PubNub, to a real-time sales bell, to a web app that answers the age-old question of when it’s the right time to BBQ. We knew we were in store for an eclectic mix of apps to come out of this Hackathon.

    And we weren’t disappointed. Want to see the final products? Check out the sneak-peek video below. In the coming weeks we will release in-depth tutorials with working code on each app created at the PubNub Hackathon so you too can join the real-time fun.


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