Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    Get ready for some great content.

    We’ll be at all sorts of events this October and November, speaking, demoing, and sitting on panels. We want to meet you! So stop by our booth, or come listen to us speak about a wide variety of topics, all about real-time!

    Below is a list of events and conferences we’ll be at, and more information on what we’ll be doing there. Looking forward to seeing you!


    The Real-Time Conference, October 18-19

    Portland- PubNub CTO Stephen Blum and Director of Client Engineering Geremy Cohen will be in Portland for this year’s Real-Time Conference. Give us a shout out, and we’ll definitely stop by your booth!



    HTML5 Developer Conference, October 22-23

    San Francisco- Our CTO Stephen Blum will speak, and we’ll have a booth set up at the expo for this year’s HTML5 Dev Conference.

    Speaking details: Wednesday, Oct 23, 5:00-5:50pm, Room N-120

    Topic: A New Development Model for Real-Time Apps: Peer-to-Peer meets Authoritative Control


    API Strategy Conference, October 23 -25

    San Francisco- Our developer evangelist Dan Ristic will sit on a panel to discuss “The Future of the Web.”

    Speaking details: Thursday, Oct 24, 6:15-6:45pm



    SpookTECHcular Halloween: Tech Demos and Networking, October 29

    San Francisco- Stop by our demo table at Crocker Galleria in downtown San Francisco and learn more about PubNub and real-time technology!



    WebRTC Summit, November 6 – 7

    Santa Clara, CA- Our Developer Evangelist Dan Ristic will be speaking, and be sure to stop by our table at the expo.

    Speaking details: Wednesday, Nov 6, 2:10-2:55

    Topic: The WebRTC Data Channel


    Desert Code Camp, November 6 – 7

    Phoenix- Evangelist Dan Ristic will speak about building real-time JavaScript Applications Using PubNub.

    Topic: Building Real-Time JavaScript Applications Using PubNub


    Node Knockout 13, November 8 – 11

    Online- Competitors for this year’s Node Knockout are free to use PubNub for their app.

    We wrote a blog post with everything you’ll need.



    WebRTC Conference and Expo, November 19 – 21

    Santa Clara, CA- Our developer evangelist Dan Ristic will speak on “Using the Data Channel.” Also stop by our booth in the expo.

    Speaking Details: Thursday, 11/21, “Using the Data Channel,” 1:55-3:15pm,


    LSPE Meetup: Real-Time Streaming Data, November 21

    Sunnyvale, CA – We’ll be speaking about using PubNub to stream real-time data.


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