Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

    This is Part Two of our two part series on setting up APNS with PubNub from start to finish. This part will specifically cover setting up PubNub and APNS. Part One covers all Apple-specific steps. Additionally, you can check out the series overview here.


    Now that you have the Apple-specific steps squared away, it’s time to integrate Apple Push Notifications into your PubNub app. Below are six videos that will walk you through the process, and you can read a detailed APNS and PubNub walkthrough here.

    First, you have to create your app in the PubNub portal and enable push notifications in your app.

    Then you’ll create your PubNub app template in XCode.

    Then you’ll have to configure your PubNub Delegates.

    Next, you’ll have to configure keys and delegates for PubNub. In this step, you’ll have the chance to test your app using the PubNub Dev Console and xCode.

    In this step, we’ll configure the the app for APNS, as well as a test run.

    Finally, setup your iOS app to programaticaly query, provision, and deprovision PubNub to APNS message push.

    **NOTE: Since we wrote this tutorial, we’ve released a new, completely-redesigned version of our iOS SDK (4.0). We rebuilt the entire codebase and took advantage of new features from Apple, simplifying and streamlining the SDK.

    The code from this tutorial still works great, but we recommend checking out our new SDK. We’ve included a migration guide to help you move from 3.x to 4.0, and a getting started guide to help you create a simple Hello World application in minutes.**

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