Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

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    Get ready for some great content.

    We’re really excited to be sponsoring a $500 cash prize for the best PubNub post submitted in AirPair’s $100K writing competition! Over the next couple months, AirPair will be distributing over $100,000 in prize money to the highest quality tutorials and tales of using technologies of PubNub in production.

    The latest release of their writing platform is powered by the GitHub API, and allows for collaborative content creation and editing. Posts can be forked so you can accept suggestions and fixes via no hassle pull requests.

    If you’ve built something cool with PubNub and want to share it with the world (and win $500 while you’re at it), we strongly recommend submitting it to the competition. The average post published on AirPair in January was read 15,000 times, so it’s a great way to share the cool things you’ve built with the PubNub API.

    If you’re interested in writing about your PubNub application, let us know, and we’ll give you the info and support you need to make your post successful. Tweet us @PubNub.

    Competition Resources and PubNub Inspiration

    PubNub and AirPair Developer Writing Competition


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