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    iOS and OS X developers alike were buzzing a couple months ago when Apple released the Swift Programming Language at WWDC in San Francisco. Swift, designed to work with Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and Objective-C was built entirely from scratch with influence from a number of other languages including Scala, Java, and even JavaScript.

    Swift Programming

    And rejoice! JavaScript developers are now thinking “wow, I can finally build iOS and OS X apps easily!”

    Swift Programming Language for JavaScript Developers (Video)

    In the talk below from SF JavaScript, JP Simard of discusses Swift in his presentation on “Swift Programming for JavaScript Developers.”

    JP dives into design philosophies and some of the reasons why you might want to use Swift. He also discusses the similarities and differences between JavaScript and Swift, and puts Swift into a real world context.

    Slides for the Swift Programming presentation can be found here, and all the source code can be found here.

    Additional Swift Programming Resources

    The SF JavaScript Meetup meets weekly and has a wide variety of speakers and topics. Check out the calendar to stay in tune with upcoming events, and see if there’s something for you!

    Speaking of Swift, we also recently rolled out a blog series on developing two-way iBeacon communication for iPad and iPhone with Swift. Keep an eye out for future Swift posts!

    **NOTE: Since we wrote this, we’ve released a new, completely-redesigned version of our iOS SDK (4.0). We rebuilt the entire codebase and took advantage of new features from Apple, simplifying and streamlining the SDK.

    We recommend checking out our new SDK. We’ve included a migration guide to help you move from 3.x to 4.0, and a getting started guide to help you create a simple Hello World application in minutes.**


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