Solution Engineer, PubNub

    This is the third and final part of a series of tutorials on building a chat application in JavaScript that uses audible chirps to connect users to the same channel using the Chirp WebAssembly SDK and PubNub JavaScript SDK. See the previous posts, How to Send Chat Invites Using Chirp (part 1) and Creating a Chat App with PubNub and Chirp (part 2), before continuing with this section.

    Looking for the completed project? Download it from the Chirp PubNub Chat GitHub repo or try the demo.

    Testing the Chat App

    Although Chirp sends data completely offline, registration credentials are needed to identify your user account to the SDK, and to configure the SDK with your profile-specific features.

    For web-based applications using the Chirp JavaScript or WebAssembly SDKs, applications are identified using your application key, and must be hosted on one of the web origins that you specify in the origins pane of your application.

    CORS rules won’t allow the browser to load the Chirp WebAssembly SDK directly from the file system. You must host the files using a server. I recommend a http-server.

    Installing the http-server

    Install with NPM:

    npm install http-server -g

    Start the server from the same directory as your project files:


    Add your origin to the origins pane of your application.

    Chirp applications config

    Visit http://localhost:8080 to view and test your chat application powered by Chirp and PubNub.

    Use Chirp to connect users to the same chat.

    What else can I do with PubNub and Chirp?

    Some other applications for Chirp + PubNub could include:

    Have suggestions or questions about the content of this post? Reach out at

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