Senior Content Strategist, PubNub

    Good News

    Good News! We’ve launched an all new Chat Resource Center.

    We recommend checking out our new Chat Resource Center, which includes overviews, tutorials, and design patterns for building and deploying mobile and web chat.

    Take me to the Chat Resource Center →

    We talk a lot about how easy it is to use the PubNub web messaging API. Well, it’s not just marketing jargon. With the release of our new Quick Start Tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a messaging app with our web messaging API in five steps.

    Web Messaging API

    We wanted to show you how easy and simple it is to get up and running with PubNub. The Quick Start tutorial is broken up into 5 steps, and walks you through installing the libraries, publishing messages, subscribing to messages, sending messages to other devices, and you’re done! After that, you can check out other PubNub features including Presence, Storage & Playback and PubNub Access Manager.

    Web Messaging API

    Just a reminder, to get your unique pub/sub keys, you’ll first need to sign up for a PubNub account. Once you sign up, you can get your unique PubNub keys in the PubNub Developer Portal. Our free Sandbox tier should give you all the bandwidth you need to build and test your messaging app with the web messaging API.

    Additional Web Messaging API Resources

    That’s the simplest we can make it. But maybe you want a little bit more and you’re building out a more robust messaging layer. This pub/sub with PubNub Data Streams is at the core of it, but we’ve got a lot of demos using our web messaging API:

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