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    The way we build web & mobile applications is rapidly changing. As EmberJS developers, we’re already familiar with the powerful shift from fine-grained server-side pages to single-page web applications and REST APIs.

    Now, we’re starting to see a potentially even more powerful advance as applications transition from blindly “pulling” content to receiving immediate “push” content in web and mobile applications using realtime technologies like WebSocket, long polling, and HTTP.

    EmberJS Exploding

    In one of our most popular blog posts, EmberJS 101: From Zero to Angular in Seconds, we built a working chat application in less than 100 lines of HTML and JavaScript.

    In the talk below from EmberJS Boston, I’ll presented a chat application I built in 99 lines of HTML & JavaScript using EmberJS and the PubNub EmberJS API. The example’s live in our EmberJS Chat Example CodePen so everyone will be able to fiddle with the example as we go (it’s also embedded below the video). Along the way, I also talked about some of the patterns and nifty tricks we used to adapt a callback-oriented JavaScript API into the world of EmberJS controllers, services, actions and events.

    Overall, we’ll look at:

    • Getting started quickly with Ember and realtime publish/subscribe
    • How a realtime EmberJS framework is put together and relates to Ember APIs
    • Deeper examples and internals of what the realtime data stream services can do

    EmberJS Boston Meetup

    EmberJS and PubNub Resources

    • Live EmberJS Chat Example

    See the Pen PubNub EmberJS Chat (EmberJS v1.7.1) by Sunny Gleason (@sunnygleason) on CodePen.0


    Building a HIPAA-compliant App

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    Building a HIPAA-compliant App
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