PubNub Wins Big At 2012 WebRTC Conference and Expo

PubNub takes both “Best WebRTC Demo” and “Audience Favorite” Awards

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Nov 29, 2012 – PubNub, a global network for real­time data, recently participated in a live demo competition along side twelve other companies at the 2012 WebRTC Conference and Expo, taking the top two honors at the event.

During a 10-­minute presentation the company demonstrated how its set of core services could be leveraged to deliver groundbreaking WebRTC functionality over the PubNub real-­time network. PubNub’s CTO Stephen Blum and CEO Todd Greene wowed the audience with 4 compelling demos in quick succession, including: using PubNub to connect a WebRTC call in a tenth of a second, a group chat module working alongside a WebRTC call, and various ways to share content and user activity in real-­time.

“WebRTC holds a lot of promise for the next wave of innovation in communication over the Internet. But like any web­based voice and video technology, you need a global signaling infrastructure to set up calls, detect the user’s state, and much more. We wanted to demonstrate that the PubNub Network with its services like presence and unicast signaling would fill that gap. Winning these awards is a huge honor,” said Todd Greene, CEO and co­-founder at PubNub.

The PubNub Network delivers real­-time capabilities to mobile, browser, and desktop apps, scaling to millions of users worldwide. By establishing an open socket connection between each device and PubNub’s global data centers, this persistent connection is used to deliver a variety of “real-­time services”, including one­-to­-one (unicast) and one­-to-­everyone (broadcast) of data, user presence detection, storage and playback of data streams, real­-time analytics, and more.

About PubNub

PubNub brings online experiences closer to the real world. The blazingly fast PubNub Network provides global real-­time capabilities for web and mobile apps. Millions of users today use thousands of PubNub-­powered apps across social, e-commerce, business collaboration, advertising and multi-­player gaming. For more information, please visit and the PubNub blog at

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