PubNub Wins Audience Choice Award For The Second Year Running At The 2013 WebRTC Conference and Expo

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, June 26, 2013 – PubNub, the globally distributed Real­Time Network, participated in the live demo competition at this year’s WebRTC Conference and Expo, taking home the coveted Audience Choice Award for the second year in a row. In 2012 the company competed against twelve other companies and won Audience Choice and Best­-in-­Show at the same event.

During a 10-­minute on­-stage presentation, CEO Todd Greene and Developer Evangelist Dan Ristic demonstrated a number of applications built with the newly released PubNub WebRTC SDK. With a single line of code, PubNub demonstrated how multi­user apps switched seamlessly between WebRTC Data Channel and PubNub’s Broadcast (one­to­many) service. PubNub also demonstrated how easily WebRTC can be extended with PubNub Presence and Storage/Playback Services to deliver globally-­scaled, high-­value collaboration apps.

“Today, PubNub demonstrated the speed and power of building serverless collaborative apps with PubNub and WebRTC,” said Todd Greene, CEO and Co­Founder at PubNub. “The huge interest we’ve received at this year’s WebRTC conference validates PubNub in yet another huge market vertical.”

PubNub’s on stage demos included “Mouse Speak”, a simple yet compelling example of real­time collaboration, as well a client­side only file sharing service between friends. These, and other demos, illustrate the power of PubNub’s APIs and their ease­of­use. All demos are also available for download for free (as in beer) at the following URLs:

About PubNub

PubNub enables developers to build real­time apps quickly and scale them globally. The blazingly fast PubNub Network provides global real­time capabilities for web and mobile apps. Millions of users today use thousands of PubNub­powered apps across social, ecommerce, business collaboration, advertising and multi­player gaming. For more information, please visit and the PubNub blog at

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