Adobe Powers Collaborative Digital Publishing Suite Using PubNub
Adobe Powers Collaborative Digital Publishing Suite Using PubNub

Adobe Powers Collaborative Digital Publishing Suite Using PubNub

Adobe Digital Publishing Solution (DPS) is a content publishing platform that enables marketers and designers to create and publish mobile app experiences. With a wide variety of tools, DPS is a powerful platform for both building and syndicating mobile content. The platform integrates with a number of other Adobe tools, including Creative Cloud for creation, Adobe Experience Manager for syndication, and Adobe Marketing Cloud for monitoring.

Designed for teams, DPS also offers collaborative functionality, allowing team members and agencies to contribute content with full control over publishing and monitoring content.

Fully Collaborative and Multi-User

One key feature of Adobe Digital Publishing Solution is the ability for multiple users to collaborate simultaneously on a single project and have any changes reflected across all other connected devices immediately, in realtime.

To build a fully-collaborative content platform, DPS needed a reliable and realtime change notification system to sync the state of the project. Built entirely from the ground up, the Adobe Development Team had to decide whether to use a realtime data stream network provider or build the backend infrastructure themselves.

Adobe DPS uses PubNub for its collaborative functionality, enabling multiple users to work on a single project or campaign.

Adobe DPS uses PubNub for its collaborative functionality, enabling multiple users to work on a single project or campaign.

Looking for ease of implementation and global redundancy, Adobe chose the PubNub Data Stream Network to power their change notification system.

adobe dps realtime collaboration

Adobe DPS2015 is the next generation publishing platform that was built from the ground up. PubNub provided a solution that Adobe Digital Publishing could quickly and easily integrate with to enable change notification, William Liang Senior Computer Scientist at Adobe

PubNub Pub/Sub Messaging allows multiple users to work on the same project or content simultaneously. As projects and contents are added, updated, and deleted, the event is broadcast to other users in realtime. This creates a smooth and consistent collaborative editor for multiple users.

PubNub provided a simple-to-use SDK with clear documentation for every platform we needed. Furthermore, PubNub provided the necessary technical support for everything not covered in the documentation.

Looking Forward

Building on the PubNub Data Stream Network, the Adobe development team now has a reliable realtime backend infrastructure to build related collaborative features on the platform.

Having integrated PubNub for change notification, we now have a framework for supporting other related features.  For example, one can imagine supporting notification for mobile devices or supporting server-to-server notifications.

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