Coca-Cola Powers Interactive Second Screen Ad for Super Bowl Using PubNub
Coca-Cola Powers Interactive Second Screen Ad for Super Bowl Using PubNub

Coca-Cola Powers Interactive Second Screen Ad for Super Bowl Using PubNub

second screen The Coca-Cola Chase campaign was a second screen advertising campaign for Super Bowl XLVII. The campaign was based around three character factions - cowboys, showgirls, and badlanders - as they raced through a hot desert in pursuit of a massive bottle of Coca-Cola. After introducing the race in a 60 second commercial, audience members were encouraged to vote for a winner at, and the winner would be revealed at the end of the game.

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Overview of the Second Screen Campaign

The campaign revolved around audience voting and realtime updates on progress throughout the game. Current vote tallies were delivered in realtime across a number of social channels throughout the game. Audience members voted via mobile, web, or tablet, and could participate in interactive side activities, such as sabotaging other factions in the commercial. 1.3 million people visited, and 910,000 votes were received.

With any second screen application, reliable and scalable realtime messaging is essential. Updates need to be delivered as they happen, not seconds or even minutes later. PubNub was used to broadcast realtime updates to audience members across a wide variety of devices and platforms, and sync the second screen experience for users. Results of audience voting was also reflected in realtime, and poll numbers were delivered as the audience voted, creating an immersive and interactive advertising experience for users.

You can check out the campaign in its entirety on the Wieden + Kennedy website.

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