Decisiv Syncs and Streams Realtime Vehicle Fleet Data Using PubNub
Decisiv Syncs and Streams Realtime Vehicle Fleet Data Using PubNub

Decisiv Syncs and Streams Realtime Vehicle Fleet Data Using PubNub

Decisiv is a service relationship management platform for managing commercial assets in trucking and transportation, bus and coach, power generation, construction and related industries. A cloud-based web and mobile application, Decisiv provides software and services to track, manage and measure service and repair events.

Decisiv Vision provides real-time decision support for fleet service event management. The tool enables users to track service events by specific case attributes such as stage, status, service location, estimate value, asset type, ETR, event status, and a wide variety of other attributes. This information is streamed in real-time to single page, interactive dashboards.

The Need for Real-Time

In the repair world of complex, high values assets like trucks, construction equipment, and power generators, there are a lot of people, process, content and documentation to be managed. As a result, real-time visibility is critical for insight into the ever flowing, ever changing status of a service event. This enables fleets to make decision based on the most up-to-date information based on their risk tolerance and critical success factors.

In the trucking industry, most service event issues are usually managed after the fact creating extra stress, increasing costs and delaying asset availability, Michael Riemer VP Products and Channel Marketing at Decisiv


To change that, Decisiv has developed a fast and effective way to collect, filter, and digest the massive amount of event data. This is enabled through a real-time dashboard, where customizable attributes are streamed and synced as they’re updated by users.

Realtime service events (also called cases) dashboards allow users to visualize important events based on personalized parameters — and these are then saved as favorites for fast and repeatable access.

To efficiently update and sync data to a responsive dashboard as changes are made, Decisiv needed a real-time data stream network to stream updates from their backend database to the client-side, real-time dashboard.

Because the core case management platform enables users to update data on assets, repair operations, and other case related data (such as estimated time for repair completion), it was critical that updated data be streamed in real-time. And with of the possibility of hundred of thousands of events being updated at any given time, the real-time messaging layer needed to scale to meet current and future demands.

Whenever a fleet is dealing with more than a handful of service events, the task of quickly identifying high priority and at risk cases becomes a real challenge -- especially when these assets are spread across large geographies. With a real-time dashboard, you can quickly identify the 5 to 10 cases that are most important to you across 1000s or active cases without being bogged down in the details of all the cases.

Multiple Views

Picking PubNub

To ensure real-time speed and reliability, Decisiv uses PubNub Pub/Sub Messaging to stream data between the backend and the Decisiv dashboard as changes are made. The browser displaying the real-time dashboard UI subscribes to notifications from the server side.

Other business applications on the server side updates the database, and every time a case is updated, it notifies and syncs with the listeners (real-time dashboards) of that change.

The backend is updated, we filter the data, and we make it actionable.

PubNub Pub/Sub Messaging powers the view into real-time event and fleet management. With a responsive, fully customizable dashboard, users can track and sync a wide variety of metrics at any scale.

The realtime dashboard web app is really smart. It’s a responsively designed, single page that listens for notifications and when a message reaches the client, it reaches it because we use channels to filter those received messages. We get that message as a signal to see if a specific case has changed and the user can watch the case change in pretty near real-time, David Alfaro Operations Chief at Agility Feat,
An outsource development company based in Costa Rica, who helped develop Decisiv Vision

Bubble Chart View

Old Data is Not Good Data

The value of Decisiv’s Vision dashboard lies in its delivery of realtime updates synced with their backend. This means that when data is changed on the backend, updates are automatically received and published, rather than either manually running a report or refreshing the page. Data is always up to date, in an easy to consume dashboard.

Most of the trucking and heavy equipment industry is very ad hoc and the real-time nature of our solution, created using PubNub, is competitive differentiator for our fleet customers, Riemer

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