
Communicate your mood in realtime with people around the world using Emojis! Find out how people are feeling and learn what’s happening anywhere at anytime. PubMoji allows you to gauge reactions to events on a global scale.

Try it out! Send an emoji message from the app and watch it appear on the map in realtime.

PubMoji App Screenshot iPhone 8

An Open-Source React Native App for Billowing Emojis in Realtime!

Backed by the PubNub Data Stream Network, PubMoji delivers highly-interactive, blazing fast reactions at massive global scale.

PubMoji App Mockup iPhone X

Realtime communication made easy.

Download the app and jump into a world of billowing emojis and messages. Invite all your friends, pick your avatar, and watch as your map floods with realtime emojis!

App Features

  • Text and Emoji Messages

    Choose from six different emojis to convey how you’re feeling. Not enough? Tell the world by typing your own message.

  • User Profiles

    Personalize your profile by selecting an avatar and giving yourself a username. Select other users on the map and find out who they are.

  • Location Options

    As you move, your location is updated in realtime. Don't want to share your location? Simply tap the slider to turn off location sharing.

PubMoji User Profile
PubMoji Emojis
PubMoji App background

Developed with PubNub's React SDK

Dive into our code and see for yourself just how easy it is to connect multiple users on a single platform with PubNub’s simplistic code and numerous APIs.

GitHub Repo
PubMoji App Toolbar
PubMoji App Selected User
PubMoji Emoji Bar

Get the code from our GitHub Repository!

This project is open-source, demonstrating the power of React Native and PubNub. Begin building your very own React Native App.

Autoprefixer Autoprefixer
React React
Bootstrap Bootstrap
Cordova Cordova
Fontawesome Fontawesome
Javascript Javascript
Npm Npm
Autoprefixer Autoprefixer
Bootstrap Bootstrap
Cordova Cordova
Fontawesome Fontawesome

Portability and Scalability

Works across all devices

Whether you’re on iOS, Android, or Web, PubNub’s React SDK makes PubMoji accessible on all platforms.

It’s ready for any device too. PubNub has SDKs for more than 70 programming languages, so it can be deployed in almost any environment.

Try PubNub for free by getting your unique API keys. Watch as your app reaches millions, while only having to pay as you grow!

Explore the APIs


How to send an emoji message to the world.

  message: {
    uuid: this.props.pubnub.getUUID(),
    username: this.props.username,
    latitude: this.props.currentLoc.latitude,
    longitude: this.props.currentLoc.longitude,
    image: this.props.currentPicture,
    emojiType: this.whichIconUserChoose,
    emojiCount: 1
  channel: "global"

Realtime geolocation, anywhere on Earth.

Wherever you are in the world, communicate your mood with others around the globe. Zoom in anywhere on the map and watch emojis and messages fly out of people’s avatars in realtime!

  • Geolocation in React Native

    Uses HTML5 Geolocation to track position.

  • React Native Maps

    Airbnb's react-native-maps library powers the map UI.

  • State-Based Permissions

    Location coordinates and permissions are stored in the React state.

PubMoji React Web App
PubMoji Android App Screenshot

Connect Deliver Control

A complete feature stack, powered by PubNub

PubNub delivers PubMoji's connected share experience.

With only a few lines of code, PubMoji connects users all across the world. PubNub enables this realtime connected experience.

Learn More

Pub/Sub Messaging

Send emojis and messages that always reach recipients in under 100ms.


Filter inappropriate chat messages before they are sent with PubNub Functions.

User Presence

View the number of connected users at all times.

History and Playback

Store and playback messages and emojis sent by each unique user.

Download PubMoji Now!

Developed with React Native, PubMoji is now live on the Play Store and the App Store.

Built for Data Streams

PubNub streams more than 2 trillion messages to 330 million devices a month, with worldwide latency under 100 milliseconds.

Learn More