Realtime Dashboards

Chart, Map, and Graph Your Realtime Data.


An open-source chart and map framework for realtime data.

PubNub's Project EON connects C3 charts and Mapbox's map widget to
the PubNub Data Stream Network.

Realtime data visualization made easy

Live visualizations create a better user experience and make your business smarter, but our clients told us that charting and mapping their data streams was cumbersome and unnecessarily difficult.

With PubNub’s open-source EON project, you can now quickly create dashboards and visualizations with feature-rich libraries, a variety of chart types, and custom map themes and markers.

Realtime data visualization dashboards

Works across all devices

It doesn't matter if you're building the next taxi app or an analytics dashboard, EON allows you to build realtime maps and charts that work on any platform.

It’s ready for the mobile web too. PubNub alone has SDKs for more than 70 platforms, so you can build in almost any environment.

EON allows you to build realtime maps and charts that work on any platform


Include EON into your page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
                <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>

Realtime Charts.

Powered by C3.

Embed chart.

  pubnub: PUBNUB,
  channels: ['eon-chart'],
  limit: 20,
  generate: {
    bindto: '#body-spline'

Publish data from anywhere.

  channel: 'eon-chart',
  message: });

Realtime Maps.

Powered by Mapbox.

Embed map.{
  pubnub: PUBNUB,
  channels: ['eon-map'],
  id: 'html-id',
  mbToken: '...',
  mbId: 'ianjennings.l896mh2e'

Publish data from anywhere.

  channel:  'eon-map',
  message: });

More Examples

Code you can copy and paste.

Built for Data Streams

PubNub streams more than 3 million messages a second to 200 million devices a month, with worldwide latency under 250 milliseconds.

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