Twitter Stream

A realtime stream of actual messages on Twitter at a maximum rate of 10 Tweets per second.
Author: Stephen Blum

Consume This Stream
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. 7
    8. 8
    9. 9
    10. 10
    11. 11
    12. 12
    13. 13
  1. 1. Load the PubNub javascript SDK:
  3. <script src=""></script>
  5. 2. Init, Listen, and Subscribe!
  7. var pubnub = new PubNub({
  8. subscribe_key: 'sub-c-78806dd4-42a6-11e4-aed8-02ee2ddab7fe'
  9. });
  10. pubnub.addListener({
  11. message: function(message) {
  12. console.log(message.message); }
  13. });
  14. pubnub.subscribe({
  15. channels: ['pubnub-twitter']
  16. });
Stream Details
Channel: pubnub-twitter
Subscribe key: sub-c-78806dd4-42a6-11e4-aed8-02ee2ddab7fe
To use this stream in your project, copy/paste the snippets above or subscribe to this channel and subkey

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