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Socket.IO and PubNub

Take your Socket.IO realtime app to new levels of scale and security - and relieve the headaches of managing infrastructure.

Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for realtime, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers. It’s built on multiple protocols like WebSockets and polling. Though Socket.IO provides basic communication, you’re forced to design and develop everything else - security, scale and orchestration to name a few. And as your app grows, this becomes more and more mission critical.

Why PubNub?

Socket.IO infrastructure

Seamless and Effortless Scale

Load balancing, failover and latencies are just a couple of the headaches of managing and maintaining a realtime infrastructure on your own. With PubNub, we handle the infrastructure and all its complexities.
Socket.IO security comparison

Enterprise Level Security

Application-level security, like access management and authorization isn’t easy to build yourself, and is a requirement at scale. Along with end-to-end encryption, PubNub provides a number of security features, giving you full control over publishers and subscribers and more.
Socket.IO servers

Flip a Switch, It’s That Easy

It’s as easy building your app with the rltm.js methods, and switching between PubNub and Socket.IO with one small config. Build your application with Socket.IO, and when you’re ready for scale (and everything that comes with managing a successful app), switch over to PubNub. Or start from scratch with PubNub for scale and security from the beginning.

Try PubNub Today

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  • 1M Transactions
  • 1GB Data Persistence
  • All major Features