Free Trial

Includes 1 million transactions of any kind and 1GB of message storage per calendar month with access to all major PubNub features.

A notification will be sent to upgrade to a paid plan once your limits are reached.

Free Trial

Try PubNub Chat for up to 200 monthly active users and 100,000 messages per calendar month with access to all major PubNub Chat features.

A notification will be sent to upgrade to a paid plan once your limits are reached.

Have a use case around ride sharing, gaming, IoT, online events, signaling, geotracking, online presence tracking, or push notifications? Support these and all your other realtime needs with the PubNub Messaging Network.


$ 49/month
Get Started

Pay Per Transaction

$49 is the monthly prepay toward your usage.
Any additional usage results in extra costs.

  • Unlimited concurrent connections
  • Unlimited channels
  • Unlimited devices
  • < 100ms worldwide latency
Add a premium support plan


Let’s Talk!
Contact Sales


Let’s talk to find the best price plan for you.

  • Volume-based discounts
  • Annual prepay options
  • Personalized services
  • 99.999% SLA
  • GDPR Compliance
    GDPR Compliance

    The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduces broad-ranging requirements for data protection, security, and compliance with data privacy laws across Europe. Contact us to limit your data in the EU and comply with GDPR requirements.

  • HIPAA Compliance
    HIPAA Compliance

    HIPAA compliance is a requirement that health care organizations must implement in order to protect the privacy, security, and integrity of protected health information. Contact us to sign a custom contract to meet HIPAA requirements.

Add a premium support plan

Use PubNub Chat to create direct chat, team chat, live event chat, or any other full-featured chat experience you need. Connect your customers to your business and teams to each other easily with PubNub Chat.

  • Included
  • Monthly Active Users
    Monthly Active User

    A Monthly Active User (MAU) is a UUID (universally unique identifier) that connects at least once to PubNub in one calendar month.

  • Features
  • Direct and Group Chats
  • User Presence
  • Unread Message Counts
  • Typing Indicators
  • Read Receipts
  • Message Reactions
  • Mobile Push Notifications
  • Access Controls
  • Encryption
  • Unlimited Concurrent Connections
  • Unlimited Channels
  • Message Storage
    Message Storage

    Store and retrieve past messages with simple APIs for accessing historical data with EU/US-only storage options. Limited or unlimited retention options are available.

  • PubNub Functions
    PubNub Functions

    Functions, our serverless Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform allows you to add logic to in-flight messages as they go over the PubNub network. Use Functions for profanity filtering, spam control, language translation on messages or to integrate with 3rd party services.

  • GDPR Compliance
    GDPR Compliance

    The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduces broad-ranging requirements for data protection, security, and compliance with data privacy laws across Europe. Contact us to limit your data in the EU and comply with GDPR requirements.

  • HIPAA Compliance
    HIPAA Compliance

    HIPAA compliance is a requirement that health care organizations must implement in order to protect the privacy, security, and integrity of protected health information. Contact us to sign a custom contract to meet HIPAA requirements.


$ 49/month
Get StartedStarter
    • 1,500
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • $8/GB per month after 30 days.
    • $25 per million executions
    • Add
    • Add

    Add a premium support plan


    $ 499/month
    Get StartedStandard
      • 20,000
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • Yes
      • $8/GB per month after 30 days.
      • $25 per million executions
      • Add
      • Add

      Add a premium support plan


      Let's Talk!
      Contact SalesPro
        • Let’s talk to find the best pricing plan for you.
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Plus
        • Plus
        • Plus

        Add a premium support plan

        Add a premium support plan


        What are transactions? How are they measured?

        Transactions are API requests that are made to the PubNub network. When you make an API call to PubNub, we count that as a transaction.

        Each transaction can consist of up to a 2048 byte payload. Since payloads up to 32KB are supported, larger transactions are counted as multiple transactions, where the payload is divided into 2048 bytes buckets.

        Transactions may be designated as either replicated, edge, message action, or signal.

        How are transactions different from messages?

        Transactions are API requests made to the PubNub network. This includes messages sent and received using Publish and Subscribe APIs.

        What are replicated transactions?
        Replicated transactions are API calls to the PubNub network that result in the replication of data to Points of Presence (PoPs). For example, Publish() API calls, setting Access Manager rules, and setting Channel Groups are designated as replicated transactions. Read More.
        What are edge transactions?
        Edge transactions are API calls to the PubNub Network that only affects a single region, such as a message received via a Subscribe() API call, a read from Storage & Playback, or Mobile Push service. Read More.
        What are message action transactions?
        Message actions are API calls that add, remove or get actions on PubNub messages.
        What are signal transactions?
        Signal transactions are API calls that send Signal messages part of a high-volume stream of payloads (each up to 30 bytes) intended to inform or instruct an application.
        How are PubNub webhooks charged?

        If you are using PubNub webhooks or callbacks to receive PubNub events on your backend, each webhook call is counted as an edge transaction. For instance, if PubNub makes 5 calls to your backend with Presence information, with payload sizes 2KB each, that is counted as 5 edge calls towards your total transaction volume.

        This is irrespective of the type of webhook you have set – Presence, Delete from History or Push Notification Remove Device Webhooks.

        Are there free Transactions?
        Yes. Fire() API calls, which send data to PubNub Functions for processing, and Time() API calls are free. Read More.
        Where can I find the list of transaction classifications?
        Do I get charged for Data Persistence?

        There are two kinds of Data Persistence charges:

        Cost per Write - In the month you store data, you pay for all the bytes written in that month.

        Cost for Retention - All bytes are written (and retained) from previous months are tallied and charged in aggregate each month. For customers using Storage TTL settings of 30 days or less for their data, there is no cost for retention charge applied.

        Use Case Example:

        Data Persistence usage with TTL=30 days -If you write 3GB in Month 1, you will be charged 3 GB* $8 = $24 after Month 1. In Month 2, you write 4 GB. After Month 2, you will be charged $32 (4GB * $8GB) for the data written in Month 2, but there is no charge for the data written in Month 1 since it had a TTL (auto-expiration) time set.

        Data Persistence usage with no TTL (“forever storage”) - If you write 2GB in Month 1, you will be charged 2 GB* $8 = $16 after Month 1. In Month 2, you write 4 GB. After Month 2, you will be charged $48 (4GB * $8GB) for the data written in Month 2 and $16 for the persistence of the data written in Month 1.

        Are there limits on the computing time of a Function?
        No, there are no limits to the compute time. We just count the number of times you call a function
        Can I try Pubnub for free?
        Yes, we offer a free plan for trial and proof of concept purposes. The Free Plan provides you with up to a million transactions. Our Free Plan also includes Basic Support. Click here to get started today.
        Can I stay on the Free Plan forever?

        As long as you stay within the limits of the Free Plan (1 million Transactions or Functions Executions), you can use it for as long as you need to. It is intended for testing and development purposes - once your application reaches production, you will need to upgrade to a paid account.

        Do I have to pay to activate different features?
        You do not have to pay to enable features like Presence, Storage & Playback, Push Notifications etc. When you enable them on the Admin Dashboard and use the APIs related to these features, they will be counted towards your total transaction volume at the end of the month.
        What is the cost of PubNub Functions?
        The cost of PubNub Functions is $25/million executions. Learn more about Functions
        What happens if I use more than $49 worth of Transactions in a month?
        At the end of each month, the $49 minimum monthly payment will be credited against the total usage charges your account has accrued. For example, if you used 2 million replicated and 8 million edge transactions, the total cost would be 2*75 + 8*20= $310; however, your $49 monthly payment would be credited toward this amount, and your actual charge for that month would be $261.
        Show me how you calculate costs (example of a chat application)

        Example1: A chat application that serves 100,000 customers per month, each of whom on average use two ten-minute chat sessions, which include 20 messages, averaging 1KB in payload, in each direction between customer and operator.

        For each session:

        • 1 Edge Transaction to open the session between the client and PubNub
        • 20 Edge Transactions for receiving 20 messages (subscribing to messages)
        • 20 Replicated Transactions for 20 messages (publishing messages)
        • 40KB of Data Persistence for the 40 messages (persisting the data)
        • 1 Edge transaction to close the session
        • Total: 22 Edge Transactions; 20 Replicated Transactions; 40KB written to Storage & Playback (Data Persistence)

        Total cost:

        • 100,000 users with two sessions per month = 200,000 sessions
        • Total: 4.4M Edge Transactions, 4M Replicated Transactions, 8GB written to Storage & Playback
        • Total Cost:
          • Edge: 4.4M * $0.000020= $88
          • Replicated: 4M * $0.000075=$300
          • Data Persistence: 8GB * $8 = $64
          • Grand total: $452/month
        Show me how you calculate costs (example of a taxi dispatch company)

        Taxi dispatch company with 500 cabs that can be hailed through a smartphone. When a user makes a request for a ride the backend will check which drivers are online by using the here_now() call. Once the user is matched with a driver, the cab location is published twice a minute to the user. On average, a ride lasts for 15 minutes.

        • 1 Edge Transaction per mobile to open the connection to PubNub
        • 1 Edge Transaction per ride request to determine online drivers
        • 30 Replicated Transactions per ride - publishing Lat/long from cab phone to rider
        • 30 Edge Transactions per ride - rider subscribing to lat/long information during the ride.
        • 1 edge call per mobile device to close the connection to PubNub

        For each ride

        • 35 Edge Transactions
        • 30 Replicated Transactions

        Total cost per ride

        • Edge : $0.0007
        • Replicated : $0.00225
        • Total cost : $0.00295
        The Standard plan doesn’t meet my needs - are custom plans available?
        Yes. For customers with unique needs and/or high volume expectations, please Contact Sales to create a custom plan.
        Will I be charged for all the keys in my account?
        We count your overall usage for all keys in use within your account. You will be able to see the usage per key on the PubNub Admin Dashboard and will be billed for the account usage.
        Where can I check my account transactions?
        The PubNub Admin Dashboard gives you access to all of your usage metrics. These metrics are updated at least once per day so you can get an accurate snapshot of your current monthly and historical usage. Simply log in to the Admin Dashboard, select your app or key and then click the Usage option on the left.
        Can I get a report of my transactions ?
        Within your PubNub Admin Dashboard, under the usage tab, there is a provision to download your PubNub usage for up to the most recent 3 months.
        What payment methods are accepted?
        PubNub accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards, as well as wire transfers and ACH payments.
        What happens if my credit card is invalid/expires?
        We will send you a notice that your payment method is invalid. We will contact you to gain updated information. Your account will be unaffected for up to 7 days after a failed charge while we resolve the issue.


        What are Monthly Active Users?

        Monthly Active Users are UUIDs that connect to PubNub at least once in one calendar month. A UUID should be set for each user that connects via an application or a device.

        Is there a limit on the number of concurrent users?

        No. There is no limit on the number of concurrent users who are connected to the PubNub at the same time.

        How does PubNub count messages?
        A message is a piece of content that is sent to one or more users. The total number of messages per month is counted as the number of messages sent plus the number of messages received. Other events like typing indicators, receipts and reactions are not counted as messages.
        What are PubNub Functions?
        Functions are a serverless environment that can trigger code on in-flight messages as they flow through the PubNub service.
        Are there limits on the computing time of a Function?
        No, there are no limits to the compute time. We just count the number of times you call a function
        Can I try PubNub Chat for free?

        You can try PubNub Chat for free for up to 200 monthly active users and 100,000 messages or Functions executions per month with access to all major chat features. Click here to sign up for a free trial.

        Can I stay on the Free Plan forever?

        As long as you stay within the limits of the Free Plan (200 monthly active users and 100,000 messages or Functions executions per month), you can use it for as long as you need to. It is intended for testing and development purposes – once your application reaches production, you will need to upgrade to a paid account.

        Do I have to pay to activate different features?

        When using PubNub Chat, you do not have to pay to enable features like Presence, Storage & Playback, Push Notifications, etc. When you enable them on the Admin Dashboard and use the APIs related to these features, they will work seamlessly. For Storage and Playback, there is an additional cost as listed in the plan if you store data for over 30 days.

        Do I get charged for Data Persistence?

        There are two kinds of Data Persistence charges:

        Cost per Write - In the month you store data, you pay for all the bytes written in that month.

        Cost for Retention - All bytes are written (and retained) from previous months are tallied and charged in aggregate each month. For customers using Storage TTL settings of 30 days or less for their data, there is no Cost for Retention charge applied.

        Use Case Example:

        Data Persistence usage with TTL=30 days -If you write 3GB in Month 1, you will be charged 3 GB* $8 = $24 after Month 1. In Month 2, you write 4 GB. After Month 2, you will be charged $32 (4GB * $8GB) for the data written in Month 2, but there is no charge for the data written in Month 1 since it had a TTL (auto-expiration) time set.

        Data Persistence usage with no TTL (“forever storage”) - If you write 2GB in Month 1, you will be charged 2 GB* $8 = $16 after Month 1. In Month 2, you write 4 GB. After Month 2, you will be charged $48 (4GB * $8GB) for the data written in Month 2 and $16 for the persistence of the data written in Month 1.

        What happens if I exceed the Monthly Active Users limit on my plan?

        If you exceed the Monthly Active User limit in your plan, an overage fee will be charged per MAU over the limit of included users. The overage fee is $0.050/user on the Starter plan and $0.045/user on the Standard plan. In order to avoid overage charges, please upgrade to the next plan or contact sales to switch to a custom plan.

        What is the cost of PubNub Functions?

        The cost of PubNub Functions is $25/million executions. Learn more about Functions.

        The Starter or Standard plan doesn’t meet my needs – are custom plans available?
        Yes. For customers with unique needs and/or high volume expectations, please Contact Sales to create a custom plan.
        Will I be charged for all the keys in my account?
        We count your overall usage for all keys in use within your account. You will be able to see the usage per key on the PubNub Admin Dashboard, and will be billed for the account usage.
        Where can I check my account usage?
        The PubNub Admin Dashboard gives you access to all of your usage metrics. These metrics are updated at least once per day so you can get an accurate snapshot of your current monthly and historical usage. Simply log in to the Admin Dashboard, select your app or key and then click the Usage option on the left.
        Can I get a report of my PubNub Chat users connections?
        Within your PubNub Admin Dashboard, under the usage tab, there is a provision to download your PubNub usage for up to the most recent 3 months.
        What payment methods are accepted?
        PubNub accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards, as well as wire transfers and ACH payments.
        What happens if my credit card is invalid/expires?
        We will send you a notice that your payment method is invalid. We will contact you to gain updated information. Your account will be unaffected for up to 7 days after a failed charge while we resolve the issue.

        Support Plans

        Get personalized support from our professional team.

        • Guaranteed Response within Business Hours
        • Support Availability
        • Up-Time Status Updates
        • Email Support
        • Phone Support
        • Slack Support
        • Quarterly ticket check-in
        • Dedicated Support Agent (via Zoom or Google Hangouts)


        Included in all plans Basic
        • Guaranteed Response within Business Hours
        • Support Availability
        • Up-Time Status Updates
        • Email Support
        • Phone Support
        • Slack Support
        • Quarterly ticket check-in
        • Dedicated Support Agent (via Zoom or Google Hangouts)
        • n/a
        • n/a
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • No
        • No
        • No
        • No


        $ 500/month
        Contact Sales Gold
        • Guaranteed Response within Business Hours
        • Support Availability
        • Up-Time Status Updates
        • Email Support
        • Phone Support
        • Slack Support
        • Quarterly ticket check-in
        • Dedicated Support Agent (via Zoom or Google Hangouts)
        • 4 hours
        • 24 * 5 support
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • No
        • No
        • No
        • No


        $ 1,500/month
        Contact Sales Platinum
        • Guaranteed Response within Business Hours
        • Support Availability
        • Up-Time Status Updates
        • Email Support
        • Phone Support
        • Slack Support
        • Quarterly ticket check-in
        • Dedicated Support Agent (via Zoom or Google Hangouts)
        • 2 hours
        • 24 * 7 support
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • No
        • No

        Customized Enterprise

        $ 5,000/monthor 5% of the bill
        Contact Sales Personalized Enterprise
        • Guaranteed Response within Business Hours
        • Support Availability
        • Up-Time Status Updates
        • Email Support
        • Phone Support
        • Slack Support
        • Quarterly ticket check-in
        • Dedicated Support Agent (via Zoom or Google Hangouts)
        • 1 hours
        • 24 * 7 support
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Yes
        Professional Services and Training

        Professional Services and Training

        Need support to define your architecture? We offer expert guidance to help you innovate and get to market faster.

        Contact Us