PubNub Data Stream Network

Data Stream Network

Bring connectivity to any device, anywhere on Earth. Deliver data at massive scale - reliably, securely, and super-fast.

A network built to handle the next-generation of apps and products that are changing the world. 15 globally-redundant points of presence capable of handling hundreds of millions of device connections and trillions of messages.

What Can You Do With the Data Stream Network?

Realtime Messaging
Realtime Messaging (Global Pub/Sub)

Send and receive data cross-platform and cross-device - send a chat message, trigger a smart device command, stream IoT sensor data, swing a virtual sword, broadcast a notification.


Automatic realtime detection of device and user state to identify who and what is connected.

Mobile Push Notifications
Mobile Push Notifications

APNS and GCM/FCM push notifications combined with realtime messaging for maximum user engagement.


A serverless environment to execute functions on the edge, transforming, enriching, and filtering messages as they route through the PubNub DSN.


Pre-built Functions to integrate best-in-class 3rd party services - chatbots, translation, SMS, geolocation, and more.

How It Works


PubNub brings connectivity to any device, anywhere on Earth. A smartphone, a server, a sensor, a smart fridge, or even Internet-connected ambulances. The PubNub Network opens up the secure bidirectional communication channels and connects devices to send and receive data. With 70 SDKs and an extensible platform, PubNub ensures you can connect any type of device to where ever you want, and that’s where the power of realtime begins.


Next-generation apps need a network that can handle realtime connections, at massive scale - low latency, high redundancy, high reliability. The PubNub Data Stream Network is delivers on this mission-critical need, empowering you to deliver data in realtime, reliably and securely, with a 99.999% uptime SLA.

Data delivery is more than just sending a message. It’s limitless - send a chat message, trigger a smart device command, stream IoT sensor data, swing a virtual sword, broadcast a notification.


To build the future, you need to do more than just move data around. You need an infrastructure that enables you to act on the data in-motion, at the edge, with serverless compute. PubNub is extensible by design, and with PubNub Functions and Blocks, you can bring in best-in-class services, or build your own microservices, directly into the network.

How It Works

We Take Security Seriously

PubNub DSN provides rich authorization, authentication, encryption, and legislative
security encircling every level, from network to user.


TLS and AES256 encryption, plus support for BYOE (bring-your-own-encryption) models.

Access Control
Access Control

PubNub Access Manager delivers fine-grain access control for every device and every channel.

Authorization Schemes
Authorization Schemes

PubNub Functions support flexible authorization schemes via any OAuth and LDAP model.

Attack Prevention
Attack Prevention

No inbound open ports and instantaneous routing to different data centers to thwart regional attacks.

Legislation and Compliance
Legislation and Compliance

HIPAA Compliance, SOC 2 Compliant, Data Shield certified, and EU-only Data Storage options.

Focus On Innovation, Not Infrastructure

Hugely scalable. Super-fast. Secure. Works on everything.

  • Scale

    Low-latency realtime messaging anywhere in the world. PubNub processes 5x the data that Twitter does, and that number only continues to grow.

  • Works Everywhere

    No compatibility headaches. With over 70 SDKs, from mobile and web to embedded, PubNub works across all devices and apps, on all types of networks.

  • 99.999% SLA

    Let our 9s do the talking. Build your app with PubNub, and sleep easy at night knowing that scale, latency, data durability, and security are rock solid.

SDKs and Resources

PubNub Basics Guide
PubNub Basics Guide

Setting up, sending your first messages, and an overview of PubNub features.

Read Basics Guide

PubNub Basics Guide
SDKs + Documentation

70+ SDKs and comprehensive technical docs.

Read Technical Docs

Best Practices Playbook
Best Practices Playbook

How to use PubNub the right (and wrong) way.

Read Best Practice Playbook

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