Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration

Build realtime team collaboration tools and environments for apps that allow teams to work together better

Realtime is the glue that holds team collaboration together. Any action, whether it’s sending a chat message, sharing a file, making an edit, or triggering a notification, is synchronized to every other connected device.

How PubNub Powers Team Collaboration

Realtime Messaging for team collaboration
Realtime Messaging

Teams can collaborate using bidirectional messaging for sending and receiving chat messages, triggering actions, streaming metrics, and syncing data.

Presence for collaboration apps
Team Collaboration Presence

Online/offline status updates for users and devices.

team collaboration apis for Access Management
Access Management

Fine-grain access control for individual channels and users, and authorization schemes.

Team collaboration app Functions
Team Collaboration Functions

Integrate 3rd party APIs, build your own microservices, and power chatbots.

A Myriad of Team Collaboration Use Cases

View Team Collaboration Use Cases for developers
  • Team Chat Collaboration apps
    Team Chat
  • Build Collaborative Editors
    Collaborative Editors
  • Multi-User Whiteboards
    Multi-User Whiteboards
  • Team collaboration File Sharing
    File Sharing
  • Multiplayer Gaming collaboration
    Multiplayer Gaming
  • Collaboration app Productivity and Chatbots
    Productivity & Chatbots
  • Data Synchronization within team collaboration apps
    Data Synchronization
  • collaborative Data Visualization and Dashboards
    Data Visualization
    & Dashboards

Why PubNub for Team Collaboration?

Secure Team Collaboration apps
Secure Team Collaboration

End-to-end AES and TLS encryption. Fine-grain access control and authorization.

Reliable apps for team collaboration

<250ms latency delivers updates and synchronization seamlessly.

Scalable apps for team collaboration

Easily handle thousands of users in a single collaborative environment.

API Integrations for developing team collaboration apps

Add 3rd party APIs directly into apps using PubNub Functions.

Pre-built Integrations for Popular Collaborative APIs

Pre-built Integrations for Popular Collaborative APIs

PubNub supports over 50 popular and powerful collaboration APIs with
ChatEngine , Functions, and the BLOCKS Catalog.

  • Pubnub Chatengine apis

    SDK for easily integrating chat directly into your app. Read More

  • Video Calling & Drawing

    Initiate a video call or multiuser canvas.

  • Alerts

    Connect to 3rd party monitoring
    and incident management systems.

  • Notifications

    Trigger SMS, email, and push notification for offline users.

See The Whole Catalog
Pre-built Integrations for Popular Collaborative APIs Video Calling andDrawing Realtime alerting and tracking for incident lifecycles Initiate a video call or multiuser canvas Alerts Notifyoffline users via SMS SMS


Pubnub Chatengine

Chat SDK and APIs for building powerful 1:1 and group chat quickly.

Explore ChatEngine

Multiuser Whiteboard apps
Multiuser Whiteboard

A demo and tutorial on building a multi-user collaborative whiteboard.

Read Tutorial

Mousespeak uses PubNub for Data Synchronization

A simple data synchronization example and tutorial.

Read Tutorial

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