Solutions and common use casesfor WebRTC and VOIP

WebRTC and VoIP

Realtime signaling to establish connections and data channels for WebRTC and VoIP

How PubNub Powers WebRTC and VoIP

The handshake is a key component of telephony applications, whether it’s VoIP or WebRTC. PubNub provides low-latency signalling and transferring of SDPs to establish the communication channel between devices.

Realtime Signaling and SDP Transfer
Realtime Signaling and SDP Transfer

Open a communication channel with under 250ms latency worldwide.

Notifications and Alerts fr webRTC
Notifications and Alerts

Deliver in-app or push notifications and alerts to users.

In-app Text Communication
In-app Text Communication

Add 1:1 or group chat to your communication app.

Telephony Features
Telephony Features

Call waiting, caller ID, online/offline, and more

Enterprise-Grade Security for WebRTC
Enterprise-Grade Security

Powerful TLS and AES encryption ensure message security from end-to-end on PubNub’s network.

Getting Started with Telephony

Building your WebRTC or VoIP app with the PubNub API is as easy as:


Check out our basic Publish/Subscribe tutorial and see how the API works.


Sign up for a Pubnub account and get your keys. Our sandbox tier is free, so test away!


Download the SDK in the language of your choice ( we have 70+ )


Check out one of our full tutorials, or head over to the docs and build your app from scratch.

Resources to Help Manage Realtime Signaling to Establish Connections and Data Channels for WebRTC and VoIP

Top WebRTC and VoIP Apps Using PubNub

Sinch API uses PubNub to power the signaling for their VoIP telephony API


Perch uses PubNub for signaling their WebRTC video and voice app

Always-On WebRTC Video Portal

Cirque uses PubNub to initiate calls on their VoIP platform

VoIP Platform

BrightTalk uses PubNub to connect callers for video and conferencing

Video and Conferencing Platform

Conference Calling from Vast uses PubNub for online video chat signaling

Video and Conferencing Platform

Glide uses PubNub for video chat signaling and chat messaging

Video Signaling

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